peace. He seized this chance to express his joy in Abba
In response, John of Antioch delegated the aged
Bishop Paul of Emissa as his ambassador to the
Alexandrian Prelate, and entrusted him with a personal
letter to him, which was the first correspondence of the
Antiochene to St. Mark’s Successor since the appearance
of the Nestorian heresy.
- John also, convoked his bishops, and after
discussing with them the message of Kyrillos, signed it.
Again he wrote to Kyrillos telling him to push into
oblivion his past opposition, and asking for his counsel on
certain Church matters. Thus, at last, a reconciliation was
realised between the Apostolic Sees of Alexandria and
Antioch, and no one rejoiced over it as much as Abba
Kyrillos himself. When he announced this reconciliation,
a number of his adherents questioned his leniency, but
realised the extent of his sagacity when they learned that
John’s recognition of the Orthodox Doctrine was the basis
for it.^36
When Xystus, Bishop of Rome, heard that peace
had been established among the churches of the Orient, he
sent a letter of congratulation to Abba Kyrillos,
addressing him as “the intrepid defender of Orthodoxy”.^37 - Having taken action towards establishing peace,
Abba Kyrillos set himself diligently to compose the
rupture which had so pathetically distracted the Eastern
Churches; he wrote; he admonished; he negotiated with
zeal and vigour. At the same time, he continued to write
for the edification and strengthening of his own people’s