B. At Chalcedon
- Theodosius dies heirless.
- Pulcheria discards her vow.
- Her lust for power.
- Correspondence of Leo and Marcianus.
- Marcianus ready to convoke a Council.
- Leo’s letter to Marcianus.
- Prerogative of Eastern Emperor.
- Pulcheria’s letter to Leo.
- Leo’s answer.
- Inaugurating Council.
- Accusing Dioscorus falsely.
- Tumult and vacillation.
- Minutes of ‘Dioscorian’ Council.
- Protest of the Egyptians.
- Another false accusation.
- Bishop of Seleucia.
- Dioscorus confesses his Faith.
- Adjournment and re-assembling.
- Farcical summons.
- Council’s verdict.
- Anger of civil judges.
- Orthodoxy of Dioscorus.
- Emperor exiles Dioscorus.
- Four friends share his exile voluntarily.
- Correspondents and visits to the exiled Pope.
- Rest of Abba Dioscorus.
- Witness of some Fathers.
- Theopistus write the biography of Dioscorus.
- Such was the state of affairs when Emperor
Theodosius died heirless in A.D. 450. His eldest sister –
Pulcheria – had the lust for power. So jealous had she