love were exchanted between Abba Petros and the
Bishops of Constantinople and Jerusalem. Writing to
Abba Petros, Acacisu addressed him thus: “To the lover-
of-God, our brother and co-bishop Petros”; while the
bishop of Jerusalem wrote to him in these terms: “To the
lover-of-the-Christ, the Chief Priest, my Lord and Brother
and my Colleague Petros”.^13
- And so it came about at last that the Copts reaped
the fruits of their long-suffering, loyalty and steadfastness,
and a peaceful life was restored unto them. Abba Petros,
capitalised this peace by consecrating himself to the
service of his Church and his people whose loyalty to him
was wholehearted. For eight years and three months he
shepherded them, then departed unto his Lord.