(Elle) #1

Christian Faith but that legated to them by their own
Church Fathers.

  1. The successor of Anastasius was Emperor Justin I,
    whose accession to the throne occurred a short time after
    Timotheos III had been elected 32nd Pope of Alexandria.
    Timotheos had already proven by word and deed that he
    was worthy of the august Chair to which he was elevated,
    and that he was a man who had the courage of his
    Unlike Anastasius, Emperor Justin I was a man
    who liked to interfere in theological controversies, and to
    impose his way of thinking through the temporal power he
    possessed. But neither the Pope of Alexandria nor his
    people were the type to accept this. The result was that a
    clash occurred between Abba Timotheos and the Emperor
    as it was bound to occur in such a situation, and in
    consequence the Coptic Patriarch was banished, and many
    outrageous acts of oppression and persecution began
    against the Copts both as individuals and as a Church.
    The gap between the East and the West steadily
    deteriorated and widened.^9 Emperor Justin I expended
    much effort to try and make the Coptic Pope obey his
    wishes. He tried to tempt him with offers of worldly
    power, position and gifts. And when he stubbornly
    maintained that he would not budget one iota from the
    Faith legated to him by his forebears the Emperor got
    enraged and ordered his banishment.

  2. Other Eastern Orthodox Church dignitaries were
    mistreated in like manner by Justin because of their refusal
    to go along with him in the doctrines he wanted to impose
    upon them. One of these was Severus, Bishop of
    Antioch, whom the Emperor not only banished but also

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