(Elle) #1

end. These were Tiberius, Maurice and Phocas. Like
Justin II, all of them – and particularly Phocas were
tyrannical rulers who mercilessly persecuted the Copts
with a difference only in degree. The burden of their
persecution was so heavy that the people would have
cracked, but for the strength their inner resources was
receiving from their spiritual leaders. Praying without
ceasing that the Almighty God would lift from them the
yoke of the Byzantine Empire, they went about their daily
business waiting hopefully for better times to come.
Abba Damianos realised that he had to be
constantly vigilant and to expend every effort to preserve
in his people the light of the Faith. Being an endowed
teacher, preacher, writer and theologian, he was equal to
the task and performed it most conscientiously. He wrote
constantly letters, injunctions, and treatises for the
edification of his harassed children. Two of the treatises
he was given the wisdom to write were entitled “The
Logos” (or the Word) and “The Mystagogia” (or the
Sacramental Mysteries). Both aimed at clarifying and
explaining to the Copts the church teachings concerning
the Christ, the Incarnate Word, and the seven sacraments
of the Church. His style and writing demonstrated beyond
doubt the zeal which the Egyptians still conserved for the
sacred sciences, and that they still preferred to elect to the
Chair of St. Mark men who were the most learned among
the monks and worthy successors of Athanasius and
During the papacy of Abba Damianos, there were
outstanding Bishops whom the people held in great
veneration. Foremost among them were Yoannis, Bishop
of Burullus, Yoannis his disciple, and Pisentheos of Qeft,
who together with their colleagues assisted Abba
Damianos in tending the vineyard of the Lord. It is

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