(Elle) #1

prison, full of comfort and cheer, ending with these most
touching and admirable words: "Take heed, my beloved
father, and change not your resolution because of us".^5
When Leonidas was martyred, his possessions were
confiscated, a customary practice with the Romans. Origin,
his mother and his brothers were left penniless. Again
Providence intervened. A rich and remarkable woman,
whose name is unknown, took them under her wing, and
enabled Origen and his six brothers to continue their studies.^6

  1. At the age of eighteen, the martyr's son attained
    manhood. His precocious mind was already ripe, and his
    heart overflowed with tenderness. Young as he was, Abba
    Demetrius appointed him Dean of the School of Alexandria.
    He transformed it into a veritable School of Martyrs. Those
    of his disciples who sealed their faith with their blood were
    countless. The young teacher visited them in their prison,
    accompanied them to the tribunal of their persecutors, and
    followed them to the very spot of their martyrdom, then
    under the very eyes of their executioners, gave them the Kiss
    of Peace, remaining by their sides until they commended
    their spirits into the Hands of the Father.^7
    The enemies of the Faith were so stupefied at such
    courage that they did nothing to him. Yet one day they
    dared lay hands on him and carried him into the temple of
    Serapis. There they shaved his head for him after the fashion
    of the pagan priests, then, putting some palm branches in his
    arms ordered him to distribute them among those present.
    The young Christian hero took the palm branches and with a
    firm loud voice declared: "Come, receive these palms, not as
    the palms of a temple consecrated to the service of idols, but
    as the palms of Jesus the Christ”.^8 He escaped death by a
    miracle, God preserving him for other works and other

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