Evagrius those doctrines reached Cassian, who, in turn,
passed them on to the monks of the Occident, and in that
same Occident, Rufinus of Aquelia made known the works
of Origen. Jerome, in his introduction to the translation of
Didymus' book "On the Holy Spirit," says that "All the
philosophy of Ambrosius of Milan, and of the great St.
Augustine was founded on the philosophy of Origen,
Alexandria's glorious teacher".
Besides these master-lights of East and West,
thousands of lesser lights were guided by Origen across the
centuries. But up to the present day, none has succeeded in
interpreting to the fullest the thoughts of this wonderful
personality. For all who have sought to study him, have
fallen into the mistake of wanting to restrict to one particular
aspect a person whose versatility cannot be confined within
narrow limitations. Origen was a teacher, an interpreter of
God to man, a Christian militant, a philosopher, and a great
spiritual. In a word, he was a unique genius. In all the
domains of thought, Origen marks a decisive point: he is the
founder of Biblical Science, by his researches and
commentaries on both the Old and the New Testaments; he
is the first to constitute a great Theological Synthesis, and
the first to attempt an explanation of Christian Mystery, and
finally, he is the first who described the Path by which the
Soul can ascend to God.^27