It is with deep gratitude that I offer my thanks to
our Heavenly Father whose aid and guidance have been
my lodestar throughout the years.
My thankful homage to the Spirit of my Father
Pishoi Kamil whose encouragement by prayer, words and
continued endeavour added to my zeal and fervour, and
strengthened me to persevere on the path towards
My thanks are extended also to all my family circle
and friends, with special appreciation to the budding artist
Habib Amin el Masri, my nephew, for giving me some of
his paintings to adorn this volume.
As for my sister Eva el Masri Sidhom, I consider
he my co-writer; she and her husband Youssef did their
best in editing and typing this work.
Side by side, with all those who encouraged me on
this plane, are all those beloved ones who have gone on
ahead and whose invisible help has been my sustenance as
I pressed forward towards my goals.
Iris Habib El Masri