(Elle) #1

see a priest, he would be given all the books on the subject
freely. Acting on her advice he directed his footsteps to the
nearest priest and openly expressed to him his desire to learn
more about the “New Way”. The priest gave him more
books and spoke to him about Christ, the Saviour.
Soon after, Dionysius became a Christian, and joined
the Alexandrian School, where he studied under the guidance
of Origen, whose courage and virtues he assimilated.
Abba Heraclas, the would-be Pope, was at the time
also a disciple of Origen and thus he got to know Dionysius;
both of them proudly wore the philosophers' gown, and both
delved deep into the Scriptures. As a result of their
common. interest, a strong bond of fellowship and
understanding developed between the two and cemented
their hearts together in mutual love and respect.

  1. Meanwhile, Dionysius was ordained first deacon,
    then priest, then teacher at the Alexandrian School, where he
    was appointed by Abba Heraclas, who had become Dean of
    the School. When the latter was chosen to sit on the Chair
    of St. Mark and Origen refused to return to Alexandria,
    Dionysius was appointed in his place as Dean. What more
    natural than that, at the death of Abba Heraclas" Dionysius
    would be chosen to succeed him as Pope? It was a
    propitious choice for he had already become known as a man
    of universal learning... verily a befitting title to one of the
    great Fathers of the early Christian Church whose words and
    deeds made the Chair of Alexandria a beacon to all the sister
    Churches around it.

  2. Dionysius was well versed in philosophy and
    theology and even the heretic writings. Of this subject, he
    wrote to Philemon, one of his friends: "I was at considerable
    pains in reading the books and acquainting myself with the

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