(Elle) #1

his people after the terrible sufferings which they had
endured. He ordained priests and deacons, and consecrated
several new churches during this visit. Arriving at Arsinoe l1
he confronted Nepos, its Bishop, who had started the
millenarian controversy so-called because it rested on the
assumption that after the general resurrection, Christ will
reign on earth for a thousand years. During this millennium,
the saints will enjoy all physical and spiritual delights.

  1. Abba Dionysius held a three-day council there with
    clergy and people in which days, by patient and quiet
    reasoning based on holy writ, he answered all the questions
    relating to this subject, and thus succeeded in nipping the
    controversy in the bud.
    On his return from Arsinoe, Abba Dionysius wrote an
    epistle entitled "The Divine Promises," wherein he said: "It
    certainly delights me to describe what I have seen in our
    children" the Arsinoeans: they have proved themselves
    steadfast, sincere, loving, and intelligent. In our discussions,
    we interchanged views with patience and forbearance. Each
    point was fully discussed to the satisfaction of every one
    before we passed on to the next point. If it happened that
    one of the debators retracted his views, he frankly declared it
    without hesitation or shame."
    Abba Dionysius, then, explained the divine promises
    mentioned in the book of Revelation, pointing out that
    emphasis, in the Scriptures, was always on the spiritual and
    mystical side of life.l2

  2. Having succeeded in establishing unity and peace
    among his people, Abba Dionysius directed his energies
    further afield. He wrote several letters to Fabius, Bishop of
    Antioch, and other prelates of sister churches, in which he
    emphasised the importance of accepting repentant apostates

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