(Elle) #1

abroad the savour of the Christian name, to His Glory and to
the salvation of many.” After emphasising the necessity of
avoiding everything that might cast a stumbling block in the
way of Diocletian, he proceeds: "God forbid that you should
sell to any the entry of the palace, or receive a bribe to
suggest what is unseemly to the Emperor's ear. Put away
from you avarice, which worketh for idolatry rather than for
the Christian religion. Unworthy gain and duplicity are very
unbefitting to him who embraces the Christ, our Example
and Teacher. Let there be no evil speaking nor immodest
language among you. Let all things be done in kindliness,
courtesy and justice; that in all things the Name of our God
and Lord, Jesus the Christ be magnified. Fulfil the duties to
which you are severally appointed, with love towards God
and respect towards the Emperor, and exactness and
diligence. Account that all commands of the ruler, which
offend not against those of God, proceed from God Himself.
Put on patience as a robe. Be girded with virtue. Be filled
with Faith, Hope, and Charity". Abba Theonas goes on to
particularise, then concludes with general exhortations for
behaviour, advising all to set apart a time for prayer and for
the reading of the Scriptures "which will enable you to
accomplish your duties in the love of the Christ, and to
despise all things transitory for the sake of His Eternal
Promises, and conduct you to the attainment of everlasting

  1. It is worth noting here that by this time many of the
    pagan philosophers were not antagonistic to Christianity,
    though they did not adopt it. The School of Neoplatonism,
    founded by Ammonius. Saccas at Alexandria showed great
    reserve in its attacks. The most outstanding disciple of
    Ammonius was Plotinus, who never adopted Christianity,

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