Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

interpolation of a later situation into the biblical text. This is
yet another attempt by Islam to position itself as the true
modernday version of both Judaism and Christianity.

  1. Do Muslims, like Christians, believe that man is
    created in God’s image?

No. Muslims tend to think of the word ‘‘image’’ solely
in physical terms. They think that to assert this is to claim
that God looks like a human being. Since Allah is not to be
thought of as having any human qualities, this would be
tantamount to blasphemy.

Christianity, in contrast, teaches that God’s creation of
man in His own image means that He imparted to mankind a
dignity beyond that which He displayed elsewhere in
creation. Humanity’s created dignity is rooted in God’s gifts
of intelligence (reason) and free will, attributes of God
Himself. To recognize that God created man in His own
image is not to diminish His might, but to elevate it: it shows
God’s goodness toward man. Man’s creation in God’s
image refers to the fact that God gave man a spirit so that he
could commune with God, who is Spirit.

But Islamic theology wishes to elevate Allah by
denigrating man. The Koran aims to show that humanity is
immeasurably below divinity. Man’s origin is in Allah, and
all that he receives is from Allah, but he does not receive the
dignity of Allah’s image and likeness.

  1. What does Islam teach about the fall of Adam
    and Eve?

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