Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

theologians, but also by individual mullahs in local
mosques. Therefore the scholarly or historical context of a
verse is often of little importance; whatever a verse
originally meant, its interpretation is subject to
contemporary influences. Also, the interpretations are
subject to the knowledge and mindset of the individual
mullah and can involve his prejudices, his national culture,
and other factors. Unfortunately, many times in history, the
interpretation of the Koran by Islamic leaders has been used
to incite violence against nonbelievers. When tribes and
nations have been threatened from within, they have been
able to whip up unity by turning the eyes of their followers
to the more violent verses. This brings about a temporary
unity, based on Islam, within tribes and nations. This unity
has fostered a ‘‘crowd mentality,’’ easily exploitable by
Muslim rulers who can use the cause of jihad to take the
minds of their subjects away from daytoday concerns.

  1. How have Muslims responded to this call to jihad
    over the centuries?

The name given in traditional Islamic theology for the
non-Muslim world is the ‘‘house of war.’’ The responsibility
of the ‘‘house of Islam’’ is to make war on unbelievers until
they convert to Islam, are killed, or submit to secondclass
status under Islamic rule. These three choices are based on
Sura 9:29: ‘‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the
Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been
forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge
the religion of Truth, [even if they are] of the People of the
Book [that is, Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizya

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