Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

that only an obstinate person would refuse to accept it. One
of the three unforgivable sins in Islam is apostasy.
Therefore, it is the religious duty of Muslims to kill those
who convert from Islam to another faith. To them the only
real peace comes from defending the true religion of God:

Professor Anh Nga Longva of the University of Bergen in
Norway visited Kuwait in 1997 to investigate the case of
Husayn Ali Qambar, a convert to Christianity from Islam
who had been sentenced to death for his conversion. In
discussions with Kuwaitis, Longva found that ‘‘those who
opposed [the death penalty for Qambar] based their position
on the Koranic verse (2:257) that says ‘no compulsion is
there in religion’. But more often than not, the same verse
was quoted in front of me to show that precisely because
Islam is such a tolerant religion, there are no possible
excuses for apostasy.’’[40]

  1. What is the difference between the Christian and
    Muslim views of evangelization? Don’t both seek to
    convert the world?

The Christian is called by Jesus to spread the good
news of the Gospel: that God is a loving Creator who desires
that all people come to a full knowledge of Him, to have a
relationship of love with Him and with one’s neighbor.

Christians are called to love all people, especially their
enemies (Mt 5:44). No other religion makes ‘‘the loving of
one’s enemies’’ so essential. Jesus teaches that there is no
genuine way to peace other than through forgiveness of,

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