Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

community; Juwariya, the wife of a

pagan Arab chief (Muhammad won her

as the spoils of war); Raihana and

Safiyya, two Jewish women whom

Muhammad also won in battle; Mary the

Copt, a Christian slave girl who was a

gift from Al Mokawkas, the pharaoh of

Egypt (in Muhammad’s new religion

women could not be given as

inheritances, but they evidently could be

given as gifts); and Maimuna, a Meccan

girl whom Muhammad married in order

to secure the loyalties of two important

personages: ‘Amr, a Meccan chief, and

Khalid bin Al Walid, a warrior who was

known as the ‘‘Sword of Allah.’’

[ 24 ]As the Koran states: ‘‘O Prophet!

We have made lawful to thee thy wives

to whom thou hast paid their dowers;

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