Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

1999, p.xx.

[ 44 ]Reliance of the Traveller,o.11.5.

[ 45 ]Similarly, the culture of India has

been profoundly shaped by Hindu

beliefs. For example, belief in the

doctrines of reincarnation and karma

have led to an acceptance of poverty in

Indian society: the man starving in the

street is there because of ‘‘bad karma’’

in his previous life. It should be clear

that such beliefs adversely affect the

progress and development of a society.

Occasionally, some nonCatholics

make similar assertions about certain

poor Catholic countries such as Mexico,

Brazil, and even Ireland. It has been

asserted that such countries are

impoverished due to ‘‘Catholic Church

oppression’’ and a lack of the

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