Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

does in the infancy narratives of the heretical gospels, Jesus
in the Koran even speaks in His cradle.[23]

Also, according to the Koran Jesus was not born in a
manger, but under a palm tree outside the city. About Mary,
the Koran says: ‘‘And the pains of childbirth drove her to
the trunk of a palmtree: She cried [in her anguish]: ‘Ah!
would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a
thing forgotten and out of sight!’ ’’ (Sura 19:23).

These are a few examples of how Muslims believe that
the Koran corrects the biblical account. They are unmoved
by Christians arguing that the biblical account is more
reliable than that of the Koran because it was written so
much closer to the events. Muslims believe the Koran retells
biblical accounts precisely to correct them where they have
been corrupted by Jews and Christians.

34. Is it true that Muslims consider

Jesus a prophet?

Yes. Jesus is acknowledged as a prophet (Nabi) many
times in the Koran.[24] Of the twenty five prophets
mentioned in the Koran, none get the attention Jesus does in
Islamic tradition. The Hadith adds accounts of His return on
Judgment Day to the Koran’s material on His virgin birth,
life, and particular role. Not even Muhammad, who is
considered the final and perfect prophet of Allah, is
considered to have the unique qualities that Jesus has in the

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