The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


In addition to the Gospel of Thomas, which is included in Part One of this vol-
ume, three additional texts representing the tradition of Syrian spirituality in
general and (in two instances, at least) Judas Thomas in particular are included
in this part of the volume: the Songs of Solomon, the Song of the Pearl, and the
Book of Thomas. None of these texts is unequivocally gnostic, but all proclaim
a mystical wisdom and knowledge that illustrate the religious milieu of Syria
and northern Mesopotamia during the early centuries of the common era.
These texts also are documents that had a considerable influence on the devel-
opment of religions, including gnostic religions. The great New Testament
scholar Rudolf Bultmann used the Songs (or Odes) of Solomon to show what
he considered to be the background of another document from Syria, the
Gospel of John. Likewise, Thomas literature was known throughout the region
and also in Egypt, and Thomas literature, particularly the Gospel of Thomas,
appears to have shaped the thinking of Valentinian and Manichaean gnostics.
The Songs of Solomon comprise a hymnbook of poetic and mystical
beauty. Scholars disagree about whether these songs originally functioned as a
Jewish, Christian (or Jewish Christian), or gnostic hymnbook, but whatever
might be the case, these poems are permeated with a profound concern for
mystical wisdom and knowledge. Portions of the songs are excerpted in the
gnostic text Pistis Sophia. Selections from Song 8 may show the mystical con-
cerns of the Songs of Solomon:

Hear the word of truth and drink the knowledge
that I offer from my station.
Your flesh cannot know what I say to you,
nor your robes what I show you.
Keep my mystery. It harbors you.
Keep my faith. It harbors you.
Know my knowledge, you who know me in truth.
Love me gently, you who love.
I do not turn my face from my own.
I know them. Before they were, I knew them
and set my seal on their faces.
I fashioned their limbs and prepared my breasts for them,
for them to drink my holy milk and live on it.
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