The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

The powers began to create:
The first one, goodness, created a soul of bone.
The second, forethought, created a soul of sinew.
The third, divinity, created a soul of flesh.
The fourth, lordship, created a soul of marrow.
The fifth, kingdom, created a soul of blood.
The sixth, jealousy, created a soul of skin.
The seventh, understanding, created a soul of hair.
The throng of angels stood by and received these seven psychical sub-
stances from the authorities^56 in order to create a network of limbs and trunk,
with all the parts properly arranged.
The first one, who is Raphao, began by creating the head,
Abron created the skull,^57
Meniggesstroeth created the brain,
Asterechme the right eye,
Thaspomocha the left eye,
Yeronumos the right ear,
Bissoum the left ear,
Akioreim the nose,
Banen-Ephroum the lips,
Amen the teeth,
Ibikan the molars,
Basiliademe the tonsils,
Achcha the uvula,
Adaban the neck,
Chaaman the vertebrae,
Dearcho the throat,
Tebar the right shoulder,
N the left shoulder,
Mniarchon the right elbow,
e the left elbow,
Abitrion the right underarm,
Euanthen the left underarm,
Krus the right hand,

  1. Or "and these seven psychical substances were taken by the authorities."

  2. Or "The first one began by creating the head, Eteraphaope-Abron created the skull."

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