The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


These have been revealed^4 as dignitaries standing in attendance:
Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus, the living water,
the great commanders, great Jacob,^5 Theopemptos, and Isaouel,
one stationed over grace, Mep el,^6
those stationed over the springs of truth, Micheus, Michar, and
one stationed over the baptism of the living, the purifier Sesengen-
those stationed over the gates of the waters of life, Miseus and Michar,
those stationed over the ascent, Seldao and Elainos,
those receiving the holy race and the incorruptible, mighty people of
great Seth,
the ministers of the four luminaries, great Gamaliel, great Gabriel,
great Samblo, and great Abrasax,^8
those stationed over sunrise, Olses, Hymneus, and Heurumaious,
those stationed over the entrance into the state of rest of eternal life,
Phritanis, Mixanther, and Michanor,
the guardians of chosen^9 souls, Akraman and Strempsouchos,
the great power Telmachael Telmachael Eli Eli Machar Machar Seth,
the great one, invisible, incorruptible, unnamable, who is in spirit and
the great luminary, Harmozel, where there is the living self-conceived
god in truth, with whom is the incorruptible human Adamas,
second, Oroiael, where there is great Seth and Jesus of life, who has
come and crucified what is under the law,
third, Daveithai, where the children of great Seth are at rest,
fourth, Eleleth, where the souls of the children are at rest,^10

  1. Possibly "revealed to me."

  2. Coptic Yakob (Yakobos) in Nag Hammadi Codex III (from Greek) can be Jacob or James.
    James is also discussed in Gospel of Thomas 12 and the Secret Book of James.

  3. This name cannot be completely restored.

  4. This name is commonly found in Greek and Coptic magical texts of ritual power, and proba-
    bly derives from Aramaic.

  5. The name Abrasax is a common name of power; see the Revelation of Adam, note 37.

  6. The reading in Nag Hammadi Codex III; Codex IV reads "slain."

  7. The four names in these lines are the names of the luminaries.

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