The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Then he came and took back what he promised,
which fell into the hands of thieves. They captured it,
but he rescued it back. Then he redeemed
both the good and evil people in the world.


Light and darkness, life and death, on the right and left,
these are children, they are inseparably together.
But the good are not good, the wicked not wicked,
life not life, death not death.
Each element fades to an original source.
But those who live above the world cannot fade.
They are eternal.


The names of earthly things are illusory.
We stray from the real to the unreal.
If you hear the word "god," you miss the real
and hear the unreal.^8
Father, son, holy spirit, life, light, resurrection, church.
These words are not real. They are unreal
but refer to the real, and are heard in the world.
They fool us. If those names were in the eternal realm,
they would never be heard on earth.
They were not assigned to us here.
Their end dwells in the eternal realm.


Only one name is not uttered in the world:
the name the father gave the son.^9

  1. The word god as unreal recalls the discussion of reality and the transcendent One in the Se-
    cret Book of John and the Vision of the Foreigner.
    9-The son as the name of the father is also discussed in the Gospel of Truth.

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