The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


Above the name of all others is the father's name.
The son would not be father without wearing
the father's name.
Those with his name know it but do not speak it.
Those without his name do not think it.


Truth made names in the world,
and without them we can't think.
Truth is one and is many,
teaching one thing through the many.


The rulers^10 wanted to fool us,
since they saw we were connected with the good.
They took the names of the good
and gave them to the not good
so with names they could trick
and rope us to the not good.
As though doing us a favor,
they took names from the not good
and placed them on the good.
They knew what they were doing.
They wanted to grab those of us who were free
and make us eternal slaves.


There are forces that don't want us to be saved.
They act for their own sake
If we are saved there will be no sacrifices,
no animals offered to the forces.
Yes, they made sacrifices to the animals.

  1. Archons.

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