The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

(28) John 4:31
Meanwhile, the students were saying,
"Rabbi, eat."

They wanted to share with him something of what they had bought in

(29) John 4:32
I have a meat to eat that you do not know.
[Herakleon does not comment on this passage.]

(30) John 4:33
Then the students said to each other, "Could someone have brought him
something to eat?"

The students understood on a low level and imitated the Samaritan woman,
who said, "Sir, you have no bucket and the well is deep."^25

(31) John 4:32
My meat is to do the will of him
who sent me and to complete his work.

The savior told his students that this was what he said to the woman, calling
the will of the father his meat. This was his food and rest and power. The fa-
ther's will for people is to know the father and be saved. This was the savior's
work, for which reason he was sent into Samaria, that is, into the world.

(32) John 4:35
Four more months and then comes the harvest?
He speaks of the harvest of the fruit as if it had fixed four-month intervals, and
yet the harvest he was speaking of was already there. The harvest is of souls of
believers. They are already ripe and ready for harvest, and ready to carry into
the barn,^26 through faith into rest, as many as are ready. But not all are ready.
Some are, some will be, others are still being sown.

  1. John 4:11.

  2. Matthew 13:30.

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