The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

and punisher is Moses, who is also the legislator. How does he say that all judg-
ment was given to him?^44 He speaks correctly, for the judge who does his will
judges as a servant. Such is what happens among people.^45

(49) Matthew 3:11
John said,
"I baptize you in water for repentance,
but after me will come one stronger than I,
and I am not fit to carry his sandals.
He will baptize you in the holy spirit and fire."
He baptized no one in fire. However, some understand fire to be in the ears of
those who are sealed in baptism and so have heard the apostolic preaching.

(50) Matthew 10:32-33
Anyone who confesses me^46 before others,
I will confess before my father in heaven,
and whoever denies me before others,
I will deny before my father in heaven.
One type of confession is made by faith and behavior, another by voice.
The confession by voice also takes place before authorities. The crowds con-
sider this the only confession. They are wrong because hypocrites can also
make this confession. This word will not be found universally, since not all
those who are saved made the confession by voice. Among the exceptions are
Matthew, Philip, Thomas, Levi, and many others. The confession by voice is
not universal but particular. What he mentions here is universal, the one by
works and actions corresponding to faith in him. This confession is followed
by the particular one before authorities, if necessary and reason requires it.
This one also confesses by voice, if that person has previously confessed by
And he correctly said "in me" of those who confess, and "me" of those who
deny. For the latter deny him, even if they do not confess by action. The only
ones who confess in him are those who live in confession and action related to

  1. See John 5:27.

  2. Or, "Such is the role of human beings before God."

  3. Literally, "confesses in me."

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