The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

speaking about the law of nature, which I call death. And more, Rheginos, the
son of god became a human son. He embraced both qualities, possessing hu-
manity and divinity so he could, by being the son of god, conquer death, and,
by being the human son, restore the pleroma.^3 At the beginning he was above
as a seed of truth, which was before the cosmos came into being.^4 In the cos-
mic structure many dominions and divinities have come into being.


I know that I am presenting the problem in difficult words, but there is noth-
ing in the word of truth that is difficult. After the solution appeared,^5 to ensure
that nothing be hidden and everything be openly revealed, there are two es-
sentials: the destruction of evil and the revelation of the elect. This solution
entails the emanation of truth and spirit, and of grace bestowed by truth.


The savior swallowed death. You must know this. He laid aside the perishable
world and made himself into an imperishable aeon, raised himself up, and
swallowed the visible with the invisible. Thereby he gave us our immortality.
Then, as the messenger Paul^6 said of him, "We suffered with him, we rose with
him, and we entered heaven with him."^7 Now, since we are seen in this world,
we wear it like a garment. From the savior we radiate beams, and we are held
in his arms until our own sunset, our death in this life. We are drawn to heaven
by him, like beams, by the sun, and nothing holds us down. This is the resur-
rection of the spirit, which swallows up the soul and the flesh.^8

  1. Or "fullness," here and throughout the text. The restoration of the pleroma is the ultimate
    salvation of the light when it returns to the divine fullness, the fundamental act of Valentinian

  2. Jesus is understood to be both human and divine, but his origin is from the divine realm

  3. This is the appearance of the savior.

  4. The apostle Paul.

  5. See Romans 8:17, Ephesians 2:4-6, Colossians 2:12,3:1-3.

  6. The spirit, soul, and flesh represent the Valentinian hierarchy of the pneumatic, psychic,
    and hylic. Here the spiritual resurrection consumes, or supersedes, the resurrection of soul
    and flesh.

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