The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

22. The Round Dance of the Cross


  • mbedded in the Acts of John is a famous song, with instructions for
    I liturgical dance to accompany the hymn, here called the Round Dance
    _JL. of the Cross. This hymn has long attracted the attention of a variety of
    creative people. The novelist Marguerite Yourcenar wrote about it in L'oeuvre
    au noir (translated as The Abyss), the composer Gustav Hoist set it to music as
    The Hymn of Jesus, and the film director Luis Bunuel incorporated a version of
    it in his film La vote lactee (The Milky Way). The Round Dance of the Cross is
    followed in the Acts of John by the Revelation of the Mystery of the Cross (not
    translated here). Both have a distinctive character and a gnostic—even a
    The Round Dance of the Cross employs themes familiar from the tradition
    of John and the Gospel of John (for example, Jesus is the word of god who re-
    counts the mystery of suffering) within a hymn that is performed by Jesus and
    his followers. The hymn illustrates features familiar from gnostic texts; some
    scholars believe it may constitute a gnostic ritual in song and dance. The
    verses sung by Jesus the leader include self-declarations, some of which recall
    the riddlelike and paradoxical declarations of Thunder. The chorus of follow-
    ers responds to the leader's verses antiphonally by singing "Amen" and dance
    in a circle around him. Jesus' assertion that he will both save and be saved par-
    allels the roles of god and the revealer in other gnostic texts in which god and

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