The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Song 22 i

You who bring me down from on high
and bring me up from the regions below,
who gather what is on the earth
and hurl at me,
who scatter my enemies,
who gave me mastery of binding ropes
for me to loosen them
and with my hands have overthrown the dragon
with seven heads
and inserted myself in his roots to destroy his seed,
you were here and helped me,
and everywhere your name circled me.
Your right hand destroyed his wicked poison.
Your hand smoothed the way for those who believe in you
and chose them from their graves,
separating them from the dead,
and you took dead bones and covered them with bodies.
They were motionless,
and you gave them the energy of life.
Your way and your face were stainless.
To corruption you brought your world cleaned and refreshed.
The foundation is your rock on which you built your kingdom
where the holy live.

Song 23

The holy are happy. Who but they alone will wear joy?
The elect wear grace.
And who will be arrayed in grace
but those who from the beginning have believed?
The elect wear love.
And who will be arrayed in love
but those who from the beginning have believed?
Walk in the knowledge of the lord,
and you will know the grace of the lord of generosity,
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