The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

their heart that can never be removed. It leads them according to its own wish,
like a bit in the mouth.^11
"It has bound them with its chains and tied all their limbs with the bitter-
ness of the bondage of desire for those visible things that perish and change
and fluctuate impulsively. They have always been drawn downward. When
they are slain, they are drawn to all the animals of corruption."
Thomas answered and said, "It is clear and has been said that many are ...
those who do not know... soul."
The savior answered and said, "Blessings on the wise person who has
sought truth and, when it has been found, has rested upon it for ever and
has not been afraid of those who wish to trouble him."^12


Thomas answered and said, "Master, is it good for us to rest among our own?"
The savior said, "Yes, it is useful, and it is good for you, since the things vis-
ible among people will pass away. For the vessel of their flesh will pass away,
and when it disintegrates, it will remain in visible things, among things that
can be seen. The visible fire hurts them, because of the love of faith they once
had. They will be gathered back to the visible realm.^13 Moreover, among the
invisible, those who can see will perish, without the first love, in their concern
for this life and the burning of the fire. There is only a little time before what
is visible will pass away. Then shapeless phantoms will come and stay forever
in tombs on corpses, in pain and destruction of soul."^14
Thomas answered and said, "What can we say in the face of these things?^15
What shall we say to the blind? What teaching shall we give these miserable
mortals who say, 'We have come to do good and not to curse,' and will say fur-
ther, 'If we were not born in the flesh, we would not know iniquity'?"
The savior said, "To tell the truth, do not think of these as human beings,
but as animals. As animals devour each other, so also people like this devour
each other. They are deprived of the kingdom.^16 They love the delight of fire

  1. On the imprisonment of these people see the discussion in Plato's Phaedo, especially Phaedo
    8iC-82A, 83DE.

  2. See Gospel of Thomas 2.

  3. This passage refers to the death and decay of the body (the vessel of flesh), and the punish-
    ment and reincarnation of ignorant people.

  4. On phantoms see the similar discussion in Plato's Phaedo 81C-E.

  5. Or "these people."

  6. The word "kingdom" is partially restored.

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