The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

from each other. In this marriage once they join they become a single life. As
the prophet said about the first man and woman,^8
They will become a single flesh.
They were originally joined to each other when they were with the father,
before the woman led the man astray, who is her brother. This marriage brings
them together again, and the soul joins her true love and real master, as the
scriptures tell us^9 :
The woman's master is her husband.
Then gradually she recognized him and was again happy, weeping before
him as she remembered the disgrace of her former widowhood. She adorned
herself abundantly so he might be pleased to stay with her.
And the prophet said in the Psalms,^10
Hear, my daughter, and see me and bend your ear, and forget
your people and your father's house, for the king has desired
your beauty, and he is your lord.
He has her turn her face from her people and the gang of her adulterers
with whom she had mingled, to devote herself now to her king, her real lord,
and to forget the house of the earthly father with whom things were bad for
her, and remember her father in heaven. So Abraham was told,^11
Leave your country and kin and your father's house.


When the soul had adorned herself again in her beauty, she enjoyed her
beloved. He also loved her. And when they made love, she got from him the
seed which is the life-giving spirit. By him she has good children and brings
them up. Such is the great and perfect marvel of birth. This marriage is made
perfect by the will of the father.
Now, it is right that the soul be regenerated and be as she formerly was. The
soul stirred. Her divine nature and her rejuvenation came from her father so
she might return to where she was before. This is resurrection from the dead.

  1. Genesis 2:24.

  2. See Genesis 3:16; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Ephesians 5:23.

  3. Psalm 45:10—11.

  4. Genesis 12:1.

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