The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

For this is how they oppressed the prophets
who came before you.
Love your enemies,
and pray for those who oppress you,
that you may be children of your father,
for he makes the sun rise on the evil and the good,
and makes it rain on the just and the unjust.

If someone slaps you on one cheek,
offer the other also.
If someone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
let the person have your coat also.
And if someone compels you to go one mile,
go with the person a second mile.
Give to one who begs from you,
and if someone borrows from you,
do not ask for it back.
And treat people the way you want people to treat you.

The texts that follow in this volume, especially the Gospel of Thomas, give
more examples of aphorisms of Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas also presents a
number of his stories, or parables, as do other texts in this volume, especially
the Secret Book of James and the Book of Thomas.
Thus the sayings attributed to Jesus in Q reflect the Jewish wisdom tradi-
tion. But Q also reflects the Jewish tradition of personified wisdom, Sophia,
who comes to expression through the sagacity of Jesus. According to the
Lukan version of Q 11:49, the wisdom (Sophia) of god utters a saying about
those who are sent forth; in the Matthean version it is Jesus who says this. The
two texts seem to agree that divine wisdom speaks through Jesus, but this idea
is expressed in two different ways. Again, according to the Lukan version of Q
7:35, Jesus refers to wisdom (personified) being vindicated by her children
(John the baptizer and Jesus), but in the Matthean version, by her deeds. Once
more Jesus and wisdom, Sophia, are closely connected to one another. This re-
lationship between Jesus and wisdom continues in gnostic traditions, as can
be seen in other texts within the present collection, for example, the Valentin-
ian texts. John the baptizer likewise continues to play a significant role in other

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