The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

and intelligences and human beings, pearls that the unimprinted one has cast
as fruits into the creation. This is the meaning of "Do not cast what is holy to
the dogs, or pearls to swine."^58 The work of swine and dogs is the intercourse
of woman with man.


The Phrygians also call him goatherd,^59 not because he feeds goats, as the psy-
chical people call them, but because he is ever turning,^60 always turning and
circulating and impressing the whole universe with turning motion. For to
turn^61 is to circulate and alter matters. That is why the two centers of the
heaven are called poles. And the poet also said,

An old man, wave dwelling, frequently comes around here,
deathless Proteus, the Egyptian.^62

Poleitai does not mean that he is sold but that he turns about and goes around.
Furthermore, cities^63 in which we live are so called because we turn and circu-
late^64 in them. So the Phrygians call aipolos the one who always turns things in
every direction and transfers them to his own domain.


The Phrygians also call him fertile, because "the children of the deserted
woman are more than those of the one who has a husband."^65 They are those
who are reborn immortal and endure forever, even though few of them are
born. All carnal beings are perishable, even though very many of them are
born. That is why "Rachel wept for her children and did not want to be com-
forted for them, for she knew that they were no longer."^66 Jeremiah too
mourns for the Jerusalem below, not the city in Phoenicia, but the perishable

  1. Matthew 7:6.

  2. Greek aipolos.

  3. Greek aeipolos.
    61. Greek polein.

  4. Homer, Odyssey 4.384-85. The Greek for "comes" is poleitai.

  5. Greek poleis.
    64. Greek poloumen.

  6. Isaiah 54:1, also cited in Galatians 4:27.
    66. Jeremiah 31:15, also cited in Matthew 2:18.

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