The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

generation below. Jeremiah knew the perfect human who is regenerated "from
water and spirit,"^67 not the carnal one. It was Jeremiah who said, "He is
human, and who will know him?"^68 This shows how deep and difficult it is
to comprehend the knowledge of the perfect being. The knowledge of the
human being is the beginning of perfection, while finished perfection is the
knowledge of god.


The Phrygians also call him the harvested green sheaf. According to them the
Athenians give him the same name when they hold Eleusinian initiations and
silently show the initiates the great, wondrous, and perfect mystery of the har-
vested sheaf. For the Athenians this sheaf is the perfect torch, which comes
from the unimprinted one. So the hierophant declares that he is not castrated
like Attis, but has become a eunuch by means of hemlock and has given up all
carnal generation. By night in Eleusis in full light he performs the vital and in-
effable mystery and cries out, "Brimo has borne a holy child, Brimos!" This
signifies that the powerful woman has borne a powerful child. Holy is the spir-
itual generation, and heavenly and high. One born into it is powerful. This
mystery is called Eleusis, and it occurs at the sanctuary^69 of Demeter. It is
Eleusis because we the spiritual have come from above, floating down from
Adamas;^70 anaktoreion is from "ascending above."^71 This is what the Eleusin-
ian initiates call the great mysteries. It is law that those who are initiated into
the lesser mysteries should later be initiated into the great ones. For greater
lots acquire greater parts.^72 The lesser mysteries are those of Persephone
below. Concerning these mysteries and the way that leads there, "broad and
spacious,"^73 and taking the destroyed ones to Persephone, the poet said,

Beneath her is a horrible pathway, hollow and muddy.
It is excellent to lead to the lovely grove of Aphrodite
who is much honored.^74

  1. John 3:5.

  2. Jeremiah 17:9.

  3. Greek anaktoreion.

  4. In Greek eleusesthai means "come."

  5. Greek anelthein ano.

  6. Heraclitus, fragment 25.

  7. Matthew 7:13.

  8. Parmenides, fragment 20.

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