The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

his province is thought,
inventive, artful and curious;
his metal is quicksilver,
his clients, orators, thieves and poets.^1

In other gnostic works the soul (psyche) is of a lower order than spirit
(pneuma), and soul is associated with earthbound entities, particularly with
the biblical creator god. But in Poimandres, soul rather than spirit designates
the highest divine quality of anthropos, or earthly man: both nous and psyche
refer to this higher meaning. As in other gnostic texts, primal or first man (or
human) descends through the cosmos to the earth, where he mingles with
darkness and matter; that is, he becomes trapped in nature. To be free of that
darkness, he must abhor the senses, the body, all matter. After death, the
soul's ascent back through the sphere is a privilege of the select. After first
man's cosmic fall, a human being returns to become one with god. Hans
Jonas points out that the myth of cosmic return after death was transformed
in neoplatonic and Judeo-Christian mysticism into a technique of spiritual
ascent while alive and in the body. We see this phenomenon, of course, in
Plotinos, the last original neoplatonist, and in the practices of shamans and
mystics, east and west, whose principal aim is ecstatic transcendence. Jonas
summarizes brilliantly:

In a later stage of "gnostic" development (though no longer
passing under the name of Gnosticism) the external topology
of the ascent through the spheres, with the successive divesting
of the soul of its worldly envelopments and the regaining of its
original acosmic nature, could be "internalized" and find its ana-
logue in a psychological technique of inner transformations by
which the self, while still in the body, might attain the Absolute as
an immanent, if temporary, condition. An ascending scale of
mental states replaces the stations of the mythical itinerary: the
dynamics of progressive spiritual self-transformations, the spa-
tial thrust through the heavenly spheres. Thus could transcen-
dence itself be turned into immanence, the whole process
become spiritualized and put within the power and the orbit of

i. H.D., Trilogy, vol. 2, Tribute to the Angels, 63.

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