The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


"Child, let us embrace with love.^8 Be happy. Already the power, light, is coming
to us from them. I see, I see ineffable depths. How shall I tell you, child?...^9
How shall I tell you about the universe? I am mind,^10 and I see another mind,
one that moves the soul. I see the one that moves me from pure forgetfulness.
You have given me power. I see myself. I want to speak. Fear seizes me. I have
found the beginning of the power above all powers, without beginning. I see a
spring bubbling with life. I have said, child, that I am mind. I have seen. Speech
cannot reveal this. For all of the eighth, child, and the souls in it, and the an-
gels,^11 sing a song in silence.^12 1, mind, understand."
"How does one sing a song through silence?"
"Can no one speak to you?"
"I am silent, father. I want to sing a song to you while I am silent."
"Sing it. I am mind."
"I understand mind, Hermes. You cannot be known, since you stay in
yourself. I am happy, father. I see you laughing. The universe is happy. No
creature will lack your life, for you are the lord of the inhabitants everywhere.
Your forethought keeps watch. I call you father, eternal realm of eternal realms,
great divine spirit, who through spirit sends moisture on everyone.^13 What do
you tell me, father Hermes?"
"Child, I say nothing about this. It is right before god for us to be silent
about what is hidden."
"Trismegistos, don't let my soul be deprived of the great, divine vision.
Everything is possible for you as master of the universe."
"Praise again, child, and sing while you are silent. Ask what you want in
When he finished praising, he called out, "Father Trismegistos, what shall
I say? We have received this light, and I myself see this same vision in you. I

  1. Or "in truth" (Coptic hen oume).

  2. Jean Pierre Mahe, Hermes en Haute-Egypte, restores this; possibly read "We have begun to
    behold these places, at once."

  3. Partially restored; see, below, the same statement: "I am mind."

  4. The souls and the angels are thought to dwell in the eighth.

  5. Silence commonly expresses divine transcendence in gnostic and mystical texts. See, for ex-
    ample, the Secret Book of John: "Its eternal realm is imperishable, at peace, dwelling in silence,
    at rest, before everything."

  6. Or "sends rain on everyone." The text also refers to "a spring bubbling with life," and other
    gnostic texts likewise mention water, including living water.

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