The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

woman, who did not come from the light, that he is one of the seven seducing
planets who roam the world,^43 and that he is wandering among the celestial
spheres. He will unmask Christ the Roman as a liar, he will be bound by the
hands of the Jews, his devotees will bind him, he will be fastened to a cross, and
his body will be slain. His devotees will divide him up into many pieces.^44 He
will be bound on the hill of Mara.^45 When the sun rises, it unleashes its heat
against him, because he cast error and persecution into the world.

Soul Songs


The soul, the soul has words:
Who cast me into the Tibil?
Who cast me into the Tibil?
Who chained me to the wall?
Who roped me in the stocks
equal to the fullness of world?
Who threw a chain around me
that is unmeasured on earth?
Who clothed my soul in a coat
of every fabric and color?


I am enveloped in sleep
in a robe without error.
In a robe without error
in which nothing lacks.
Life knew about me:
Adam asleep. I woke.
The soul took my hand.
Light hurled me into darkness,

  1. Mercury.

  2. This may refer to relics of Christ or the elements of the eucharist.

  3. Mount Moriah? "Lord" (from Syriac)?

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