The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


recognize his coming spiritually, how he was sent by a command of his father
and in what way he was conceived in the body, and how his most august twin
came to him and set him apart from the law in which his body was reared.
For in his twenty-fifth year the twin was revealed magnificently to him.^13 For
while he was still in that sect of the baptists, he was like a lamb dwelling in a
strange flock, or like a bird living with other birds of a different song. For al-
ways with wisdom and skill he dwelt in their midst during all that time: none
of them recognized him as to who he was, or what he had received, or what
had been revealed to him. Rather, they regarded him among themselves in
this manner, according to the standards of the body.


The lord Mani said,
"When I was dwelling in their midst, one day Sitaios, the elder of their
council, the son of Gara, took me by the hand, because he greatly loved me
and regarded me as a beloved son. He took me, then, by the hand—no one else
was with us—and went, dug up and showed me very great treasures, which he
kept secretly buried. He said to me, 'These treasures are mine and I have con-
trol of them. From now on they will be yours. For I love no one else like you,
and to you I shall give these treasures.' When he had thus spoken to me I said
in my heart, 'My most blessed father preferred me and has given to me an im-
mortal treasure that does not pass away. Whoever inherits it will receive im-
mortal life from it.'^14
"Then I spoke to Sitaios the elder: 'Where are the forefathers, who acquired
these earthly treasures before us, they who inherited them? For, consider, they
are dead and gone and they did not keep them as their own, neither did they
carry them off with themselves.'"
He, Mani, spoke to him:
'"What good, then, are these treasures to me, which introduce sins and of-
fenses to everyone who acquires them? For the treasure of god is very great
and exceedingly rich and will bring everyone who inherits it to life.'^15 When

  1. When Mani was twenty-four, his twin appeared and told him to begin preaching the new

  2. Or "from him" (the father).

  3. Earthly treasures and the treasure of god are also discussed in the teaching of Jesus in
    Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 12:33-34; Gospel of Thomas 76; Gospel of Mary.

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