The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


"When I finished praying and was filled with grief, my most blessed twin,^35
who is my master and supporter, appeared before me. He said to me, 'Don't be
upset and don't cry.'
"I told him, "Why shouldn't I be upset? The people of this sect, with whom
I lived since my youth, have changed and become enemies to me because I
stood apart from their law. Where shall I go? All the sects and parties are hos-
tile to the good, and I myself am a stranger and solitary in the world. When I
was in the sect of those who study chastity, flagellation of the flesh, and self-
control, and who all still know me by name, I also had a certain connection
with its leaders and elders during the training of my body.^36 If these men have
not given room to receive the truth, how will the world, its leaders, or its teach-
ings receive me and hear these ineffable matters and accept these weighty
commandments? And how shall I act before the rulers of the world and the
leaders of the sects? Look, they are high and mighty in wealth, confidence, and
possessions, and I am alone and poor.'
"The most honored one^37 said to me, 'You have not been sent to this sect
alone, but to every nation and teaching and city and place. Through you will
hope be clear and preached in all regions of the world. Many will accept your
word. So travel about, for I myself am with you as an ally and protector wher-
ever you speak what I have revealed. And do not be distressed or grieved.' "^38

  1. On Mani's twin, see above.

  2. This fragmentary sentence is paraphrased here.

  3. Again, Mani's twin.

  4. This commission by the twin resembles the commission of the students of Jesus in Matthew
    28:16-20 and at the conclusion of the Letter of Peter to Philip. With this commission and
    promise Mani goes forth to preach.

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