The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1



Like a sovereign who removes and lays his weapons aside
and also his clothes and puts on another royal garment,
so the messenger of light laid aside the warlike dress of the body
and took his seat in a ship of light,^3
where he received the divine garment, the diadem of light,
and the beautiful garland.
Then in great joy he flew with the light gods
who were on his right and on his left,
with the music of the harp and songs of happiness.
He flew because of holy miraculous power
like swift lightning and a star darting to the column of glory,^4
the path of the light, and the moon chariot^5
where the gods meet.
And there he remained with god, Ohrmizd the father.^6
Yet below him, Mani had left the whole flock
of the just-orphaned and sad.


The ever powerful one stood in prayer, imploring the father with praise:^7
I have cleaned the earth and spread the seed
and the fruit full of life I have brought you.
I have built a palace and a quiet monastery
for your spirit.
And the holy spirit I sowed in a green flower garden
and brought you a delightful garland.
Brilliant trees I made fruitful
and showed the road leading to the sons high in the air.
I entirely fulfilled your holy commands

3.moon, see below. The moon and sun are ships of light to transport the light to the realm above; on riding the

  1. The Milky Way.

  2. The moon as a ship of light.
    6. ohrmazd or Ahura Mazda, the good god in Zoroastrianism.

  3. Note also the prayer of Jesus in John 17.

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