The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


Let's go. They are expecting you. The light
has surrounded darkness.
Let's go. They are expecting you. They live
on the border. They are waiting.
Look, god has wholly come. Call him.
He will answer you.
Carry the message!
They come heavy with garlands and palms for you,
victorious captain.
Carry the message!
The envoy heard the good news. He took it
to him who sent him.
Carry the message!
The fathers of light have come to help
their loved one.
Carry the message!
They helped the first human,
and he shouted happily,
"Look at me! Look at my merchandise!"
There was enormous joy, the first man among them,
covered with garlands and palms.
This is the message!

May it happen to us together, be counted in his merchandise
and pleasure with the aeons.
This is the message!
May we be counted with those on his right hand
and inherit our kingdom.
This is the message!
May we live with our families forever.
This is the message!
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