The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

and attained truly incomparable buddhahood.^15
You saved thousands
and saved them from dark hell.
You purged them of masterly cunning and deception
and caused them to help others.
You were a guide leading those in error.
You saved them from the claws of evil Mara.^16
You rescued the malevolent,
you healed the blind,
you caused them to do works of honor,
you showed them the right path to the land of the gods,
You were born the hope and refuge of the world.
You taught the seven precious books^17
and held back those about to join evil.^18


Walking on foot and calling your name,
praising you with their tongues,
they would all love the same as children
who love their mothers and fathers.
Hugging them with your compassionate heart,
you brought them great help and prosperity.
Not distinguishing between relative and stranger,
you made them yours.
You counseled numberless people.
With your heart you do good to all,
and through your good
the afflicted overcome their sorrow.
You brought them great help and prosperity
in this way always.
Because of your virtue
you come into full buddhahood.

  1. Buddhist technical term for highest stage of enlightenment (anuttara-samyakasambodhi).

  2. The Buddhist Satan.

  3. Mani's seven canonical books.

  4. The next twenty-one verses are badly preserved and have been reconstructed.

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