The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

to gather and meditate.
The living had been confused,
but when they heard your command,
their virtue was a teeming stream and river,^26
and they were reborn in the land of the Buddhas.^27
Other unworldly people
walked in pure paths
and meditated
and were reborn in the palace of immortality.^28
We bow our heads
and we worship before you, our highest god.
May the living on earth
be forever reborn in nirvana!
We worship. Our heart is steady.
May all the living on earth
escape dangers.
May they find the peace of nirvana.
So through the virtue of our praise and worship
may all holy forces
of the gods above and below
and of the diverse spirits
be magnified.^29

  1. A Buddhist image.

  2. The realm of light.

  3. Again, the realm of light.

  4. A colophon typical of Turkish Buddhist texts from the silk road.

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