The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


uncreated lights, his ears and eyes. As written in the Qur'an,
'He let two great bodies of water flow. They meet
with a barrier to halt their commingling.^5
" Jabir, the large bodies of water are two seas,
the barrier is the king, their pearls and coral
are the Naqib and Najib angels.^6 They are dazzling
lights and lamps joining realms to believers' hearts.
By the highest god, here is knowledge^7 flowing
from paradise to paradise and hell to hell,
and nothing has been written of these events.


"Jabir, the seven and twelve also light our form
and body.^8 So the brain is the white sea,
and the spirit of speech is the high king
found in the medulla. Two eyes, two ears,
two nostrils, and the mouth are seven parts
of the high king. Two hands with ten fingers
are the twelve parts dividing the white sea
and remote eternal sphere. And in that sphere
is the high king's canopy over our heads.
"The sphere is the great spirit of a thousand colors.
The brain is the white earth over seven skies
as the white sea lies over seven realms
of a heavenly palace. As it is written, 'A revelation
from him who created the earth and heaven.
The merciful one sat on the throne possessing
all in the skies, on earth, and in between
and underground.'^9 God is on the white sea
as the high king's throne—he is all powerful!

  1. Qur'an sura 55.

  2. Two classes of angels. The term Naqib means "leader"; the term Najib means "noble one."

  3. Elsewhere, gnosis.

  4. This and other sections that focus on the body as the locale of divine mystical activity may
    be later additions to the text, applying this story of the godhead and its evolution to the indi-
    vidual's inner mystical experience.

  5. Qur'an sura 20.

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