The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Jabir was still awhile. He paused, stood up,
murmured a prayer, praised god, and then he said,
"My lord, lord of all lords, speak to your weak,
helpless servant. Answer my question." And all
close to him arose and pleaded with him.
The revealer of knowledge said, "Jabir,
could we move the curtain and the veil
the slightest bit and make the high king visible?
If someone did this, their spirit would leave their body
and enter that of the listener. Jabir, these words
must not be overheard. It is dangerous.
Jabir, be careful! I will write them on a paper.
May god guard you and guard the messenger,
and Muhammad and Ali, and Salman, Miqdad,
and Abu Zarr, and the Naqib and Najib angels.
I leave it to you to read and to be silent.
Then believers who own this book will read
and learn and not spread the word disastrously."^31
The revealer of knowledge—may we be blessed—
wrote it on paper and placed it in Jabir's hands.
He wrote, "Our lord and creator is in heaven
and on earth, in heaven's highest spheres
and in the microcosm of the curtain
of believers and imams who live in time."
"Before the sky or earth or any creature,
there were five preexistent lights in five colors
like the rainbow.^32 Sublime air issued like sun
from sparks of light and spread over the sky
and earth. The five lights stood in this air,
and a glow came out of the belly of light
continuously and in five colors: hearing,
sight, smell, taste, and speech. The five lights

  1. For a similar statement, see the Secret Book of John.

  2. The father's realm of five is presented in the Secret Book of John.

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