The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

'We've made the sun the pilot, drawing him
gently to us. God made the night your mantle.'^64
"Five colors have dropped down from this curtain
to the next one, the color of the moon,
and 124,000 rainbow lights
hang in garlands with an aura of sunlight
over this curtain colored like the moon.
In this curtain are 100,000 moons,
with 24,000 full moons in rows
marking the fourteenth night. All praise five lights,
confirming the words of god: 'To catch the moon,
the night must still enter before day.
All hover in the firmament.'^65 Rezwan,
angel of paradise, has the five lights,
and the five colors of the angel soar,
fulfilling words of god: 'The good dwellings in
gardens of Eden. But the peace of god
conjures up more: supreme felicity.'^66
"The fire lights from the veil colored by moon
appeared in the next sphere, which is the color
of lapis lazuli. Praise and adoration
reverberate from 100,000 lights
and spirits that are constellations shining
with stars orbiting around the five lights.
From the blue curtain 124,000
luminaries appeared across the earth
and joined the hearts of prophets and the saints
and magistrates, and in their hearts the lights
ignite so brilliantly the veil is raised,
giving them strength for anything they wish.

  1. Qur'an sura 25.

  2. Qur'an sura 36.

  3. Qur'an sura 9.

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