The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Half is the dark and disbelief, half light
and mercy. The spirit of the senses means
disbelief. Dark is the rebuked Adam.
The vacillating spirit lies in the chamber
of wind and sun, and the spirit of senses in
the chamber of the water and the moon.
As it is written, 'the sun rises, the moon soars.'^71

"The journey from below and up to heaven
is tied to spirit in the way Muhammad
was joined to Ali. There is a blue curtain
comprising the believers' spirit of speech,
so all these parts join right up to god.
This is the meaning of the sovereign as
shadow of god. This sign of life comes from
the brain casting a shadow on the heart.
God on the throne, his shadow fell to earth,
and the five special beings cast their shade,
spanning from realm to realm on tested spirit.

"These five are never absent from the world.
Everywhere their names are Muhammad, Ali,
Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn. From the high throne
of god and down below to earth, nothing
and no one's ever free of them. Each group of five
in the world springs from these five glowing lights.
Five lights, originating in the faces
of humans, prove the hand contains five fingers,
the eye five layers. Orders of Muhammad
are five. As it is written, 'Prophet, we have sent you
to testify as a messenger of good news,
to warn; with his permission you call out
to god and are a bright light. Tell the believers.'^72
Such is the meaning of heavenly spheres."

  1. Qur'an sura 6.

  2. Qur'an sura 33.

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