The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

is founded on the words, 'Say, he is god,'
and true for all those nonexistent ones.
But the prayer of unity of the confessor
and of those confessing the existing one
is also founded on 'Say, he is god.'
'Say, he is god' is true for all that is."
Then Jabir said, "My lord, reveal and tell me
what it means that we servants escape
from every doubt and from uncertainty."
The revealer of wisdom answered, "Jabir,
the meaning of'Say, he is god' concerns
five angels about whom we've often spoken:
Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hasan,
and Husayn, who lead the believers' prayers
and who appear before believers' eyes.
These five lights with the spirit of speech join
the pious. But for nonbeings, 'Say, he is god
and the sole god' displays the cunning of
those who avow extremes of seeing nothing,
nothing in heaven or on earth apart
from the always existent god
who stands before us in this book. Even
the unbelievers see that seven heavens
and earth came out of him. God says, 'He made
no child, nor was he made.'^105 He did not come
from anyone, and he never gave birth
to anyone. They should not be so stupid
as to suppose that he's derived from lust
or luscious food, that he had made himself
from some vile drop of what exists in heaven
and on the earth. The drop, however, is
the noxious water that he took from beings
and transformed into water, clay, and dust.
From it he made seven heavens and earth.
Jabir, does all this go against the truth?"

  1. Qur'an sura 112.

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