The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

the unbelievers just increased. The story
of denial in the realm colored with moon
is in the Qur'an, meeting god's word,
'We earlier heard Adam. He forgot;
we found him undecided and we said,
concerning angels, "Lie down before Adam."
Then they lay down except for Iblis. Then
Satan whispered to him sinister thoughts.
He said, "Adam, shall I show you
the tree of life? Shall I reveal to you
the one dominion that will never end?"'^110

"Then the high king commanded Salman, 'Take
the turquoise-colored cloak away from them
and let it be their place of habitation.'
Salman regarded them with awful anger;
he took away their turquoise-colored mantle
and sent them back to live in ghastly realms
below, all in fulfillment of god's word,
'So it is. Our revelations came to you
and you forgot them. So you'll be forgotten
today,"!^11 until the thousand-year cycle
of this realm elapses. Then the high king
appeared out of the curtain of Salman
with all the special beings and faithful ones
in this realm, and among them and clearly visible,
he said, 'I am your god, I who in each place
and palace have demanded truth from you,
I am your god and lord of ancestors.^112
Witness my divinity so you won't fall
lower than this realm. I've taken six colors
away from you and only the color blue
is left. If I take blue from you, you'll fall
from highest peaks into the deepest pits.'

  1. Qur'an sura 20.

  2. Qur'an sura 20.

  3. Qur'an sura 37.

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