The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

do so. But you will fail unless I give you
powers.'^121 This is my proof and testimony.
"Then the high king—whose majesty is great—
said to Salman, 'You are my gate, my book,
the Qur'an is the word of god, and you
are my right hand in all my palaces,
realms, and curtains. You are my ambassador
and throne of which I'm god. You are the treasure
and faithful keeper of treasure; my spirit
shows on your curtain, through you; I am lord,
and you the lord of believers. I've placed
the guidance of the earth and heaven in
your hand; I am the lord and you the lord
of all heavens and earth. These unbelievers
who won't revere or think of me in awe,
who quarreled and who warred against me,
I'll turn to mountains, rocks, deserts, rivers,
I'll make them into animals and birds.
You, Salman—with Miqdad, Abu Zarr, Ammar,
Jondob, Horayra, and Komayl—turn them
into the seven parts of earth.' Then he
commanded the Naqib, 'Make of them twelve
countries of the dark earth.' He ordered the Najib,
'Make twenty-eight islands out of your body.'
"Suddenly the huge Salman terrified them,
howled at them. And they screamed back like
a hundred thousand basins and gold bowls
clashing together. All light and spirit fled,
and from it he spread out the blue curtain.
At once the waverers asked miracles
from the high king, and unbelievers went
into the dark, and he curtained this horde

  1. Qur'an sura 55.

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