The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


vegetation and green plants, no one ate
the plants combined with vegetative power.
The being that rebelled again against
the high king seized the vegetative power,
implanted it in hearts of animals
and everything this earth produced. It was
eaten by the spirit of the senses, and both
rose with the lusting mind of the deniers.

"The waverers were in the blue curtain
and praised the high king. The high king's justice
did not permit doubters and waverers
to be in the same place, on the same carpet
of the almighty, as the pure and honest.
Then the high creator said to waverers,
T want to create people in this world
and grant them dominion of the world.'
This happened, meeting his words, 'When your lord
said to the angels, "I will place a successor
on earth," they said, "Do you want someone who
will harm and spill blood, while we sing out
our hearts of praise to you and glorify?"'^128
"Then Salman, Abu Zarr, Miqdad, Ammar, Jondob,
Abu Horayra, Komayl, and the Naqib
and Najib said, 'God will do what he wants,'^129
and 'He decides as he wishes.'^130 The waverers
in the seven curtains and some who testified
in each curtain were still, since they were saved.
The prophet says, 'Who knows silence escapes.'
"But other vacillators said, 'Our lord,
should you who make the vices in this world
instill decay and bloodshed? When we must,
we'll praise, sanctify, glorify all you want.'

  1. Qur'ansura2.

  2. Qur'an sura 3.

  3. Qur'an sura 5.

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