The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


and reproduced amazingly, beyond
moderation and limit. The high king
in self-praise shone among them to confirm
what he had told them in his highest realm
so they would learn to praise. They said to him,
'You are our elder and speak for us. Show us
the god you praise.' The high king said to them,
T will show you your lord, provided you
enter a covenant with me. When you see him—
his power is great—you'll testify and he
will move you to the place of the undefiled.
However, one who doubts or disclaims him
will be sent down to earth.' So vacillators
entered into a covenant with him—
his power is great—and they agreed with it.

"Then the high king said, T am Allahu akbar,^135
the great god that you seek. And I am he.'
Nine hundred ninety-nine spirits stepped forward
and testified to the high god and said,
'We do believe, affirm, and witness you
as god of grace and mercy and that you
showed in the seven realms and palaces.
We do believe, affirm, and witness you.'
Through this confession they again were saved.
The one who declares clearly and sincerely,
'There is no other god but he,' will rise
to paradise. He took the dregs in them
and made of it a horde of ghosts and demons.
God made the unbelievers from the dregs
of the believers. The spirits, sons of spirits,
he created from the lowness of believers,
the demons from the lowness of the tested.
'A multitude belonged to earlier time,
and a multitude belonged to later time.
What is the fate of those fixed on the left?
A searing heat and boiling water, shade

131- On Allahu akbar, see above.
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